Last Call

A dream… of pure radiance and thunderous tunes…
A dream… of mighty storms and dazzling hurricanes…
A dream… of everlasting youth and prevailing friendship…

My mind flowing free like neon atoms in a stream of infinite emptiness…

I know the path… yet your proximity corrodes my barrier and makes my unassailable guard implode in a cry of self destruction…

I know the path… yet my destiny feels so cumbersome that I keep on hesitating instead of going forward...

My wings so painstakingly chained that it is arduous to fly ahead of time…

Listen, friend, the odds are heavily against my solid will… I do not expect you to understand me… the same way I can not understand you…

Even so…

…My core pulsion strives for completing our shared vision. Your alluring eyes enhace all my feelings… your quintessential smile guides my steps deep into the abysm…

I am a warrior…

I will keep on fighting until I make this dream become true…
I will keep on fighting even if it takes my life to succeed…

The advent harbinger materializes in front of me…

This is the last call, my very last opportunity of seizing the day and make everything happen.

This is the last call… blinded by the light of modern times… a sea of darkness engulfs me restlessly…

This is my last call…
…my last shot to aim…
…my last hope to embrace…
…my last chance to triumph…
…my last cry to reclaim what is mine… last dream to prove I am not dreaming anymore...

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